Play Casual Multiplayer Commander at Neutral Grounds

All Neutral Grounds Stores | July 5 - August 15 | Multiplayer Commander | Entry Fee: Php1,000
Play Casual Multiplayer Commander at Neutral Grounds
Play Casual Multiplayer Commander at any Neutral Grounds branch and get a chance to win a 30th Anniversary Edition Pack, Commander Precons and Other Goodies!
🧝 Entry Fee: Php1,000 (free MH3 Play Booster Pack upon entry)
🥷 Minimum 4 players per pod
🧙‍♂️ Pod gets one additional MH3 Play Booster pack for 4 players, or two additional MH3 Play Booster packs for 6 players and above. Each pod will also receive two regular promo packs.
🧛‍♂️ Everyone qualifies for the raffle on August 16!
All eligible participants will be qualified for the raffle* on August 16 and will get the chance to win one of the following:*
🏆 One pack of 30th Anniversary Edition (4 winners)
🏆 Random MTG Commander Precons decks and other surprise goodies (progressive prizing)
*Make sure to give your info to the Neutral Grounds staff so we can collate your details to include you in the raffle.
See you at the stores!